The Surprising History of Running: When Was Running Invented?
Well, running can be considered an innate action, or, in other words, it is a kind of activity that is inalienable from the actual existence of people, but when did this type of movement emerge?
Scientists believe that running originated at least 2 million years ago with our earliest ancestors, Homo erectus.
So let’s just read through history to determine when it was invented in those cities through which it was running and in the process invented and unearthed the interesting story behind it.
When Was Running Invented?
The question of when running was invented is one that many ask, especially since it is evident in people’s daily lives. Some even jokingly ask this through the internet phenomenon of when running invented memes.
Yet, looking beyond the civilized veneer and getting to the roots of running can make this activity more genuine for us.
The Earliest Evidence of Running
Running was not “invented” like a tool or technology. Instead, it evolved into a survival skill. Early humans had to run to avoid predators, search for food, and travel large distances.
According to fossil evidence, these early humans possessed long legs and strong Achilles tendons, allowing them to run efficiently.
One of the most significant advantages early humans had over other animals was endurance running.
Unlike many predators, which rely on brief bursts of speed, humans evolved the capacity to run long distances without overheating.
The Evolution of Running
Hence, what period can be said to have been introduced to running?
The fact is that running, like many other daily physical activities and exercises, was not invented in the strictest sense of the word in the same way the wheel or electricity was invented.
It developed in a very natural progression since it was one of the most important methods of saving one’s life.
In the old tone our ancestors had to run for what was to hunt, get away from predators, and cover large distances.
This ability to run, especially long distances, was very instrumental in facilitating survival; thus running is as old as man himself.
Running in Ancient Civilizations
And as societies evolved, so did running, transitionizing from a need to a form of sporting activity. Sprinting was even part of the very first Olympic Games in 776 BC, as observed in the Greek Olympic Games.
These early competitions can therefore be said to herald the conception of running as an activity as well as a new way of proving one’s strength and stamina.
How Running is different from jogging.
The Time Running Cultivated A New Audience
When running was created as a mainstream movement, it is contained more within the 20th century, especially the 1970s running craze.
This period is characterized by popularization of recreational running brought about by the increase in marathon events and the evolution of running shoes.
From then it became not only a need or race, but the practice of it gained popularity to stay fit and healthy.
How running increases your Self-Consciousness
Why It Is Important To Know When Running Was Invented
With the knowledge of when running started, one is able to appreciate how it was invented and from this realize our development and how things as basic as motion has affected the world.
In analyzing this, it is amazing to discover how what was once only a way of fighting famine has metamorphosed into a craze that is enjoyed all across the world by people for different reasons, such as health, competition, and stress busting.
Do you know what to weare when running?
The Role of Running in Different Cultures
Throughout history, different cultures have embraced running for various purposes.
The Tarahumara Runners
The Tarahumara people of Mexico are well-known for their long-distance running prowess.
For decades, they have practiced endurance running, crossing hundreds of miles of rough terrain in minimal footwear.
Running has long been an important aspect of their culture.
Native American Running Traditions
Many Native American tribes used running to convey messages between villages. Runners would travel long distances at incredible speeds, sometimes for days without rest.
Running in Africa
African runners, particularly those from Kenya and Ethiopia, have long been known for their exceptional running abilities.
Running has been a part of their daily lives for generations, frequently serving as a mode of transportation and community bonding.
The Future of Running
Running is constantly evolving as technology advances. High-performance shoes, smart fitness trackers, and better training methods have made running more accessible and enjoyable.
Virtual races and running apps enable people from all over the world to compete and track their progress.
Ultramarathons, or races that go beyond the traditional marathon distance, have also grown in popularity.
Some runners are now pushing themselves to run hundreds of miles through extreme environments like deserts and mountains.
Therefore, running was never initiated in the conventional manner; rather, it developed as a part of human beings’ lives.
Running, from the early means of surviving to the modern day marathons, has been with us all this while.
All of these points were shared by this article and my experience and knowledge about when running was invented. You’d better read it and commit it to your head.
Get motivation on how to start running.
Whether you are interested in this history for reasons other than running or if your love for it has led you to search for the history of this activity, you are guaranteed that every step you take in running will be more endearing if you have the history with it.
Davis, S., & Davis, S. (2024, March 22). When was running invented? 220 Triathlon.
Team, J. (2024, August 21). When was Running invented? A timeline of how modern running evolved. Joggo.