Mermaid Yoga Pose: Steps, Benefits, Variations and Modification

Mermaid Yoga Pose

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to perform the mermaid yoga pose! This Pose is not only visually stunning but also provides many benefits to your mind and body.

Level: Intermediate

Target Muscle: Shoulder, Chest, Groin, Hip flexor, and Quadriceps

In Sanskrit, the Mermaid Yoga Pose is called Eka pada rajakapotasana. Open your hips and heart with the mermaid pose, which is beautiful.

You can use this Pose as a building block to reach King Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana).

This article will show how to do this posture precisely and go over its advantages, variations, and instructions. So, get up your Yoga Mat, inhale deeply, and let’s explore the realm of the mermaid pose!

What is Mermaid Pose?

The one-legged king pigeon pose is modified into the mermaid pose. Using hands held behind the head, the yogi, in this instance, bends the rear leg and hooks the toes in her elbow.

True of all deep backbends, the position is energetic and exhilarating. Contemporary yogis developed Mermaid Pose as something a little more approachable.

With over a decade of experience in practicing and teaching yoga, I’ve honed a deep understanding of its profound benefits on both the mind and body. [1]

How to Prepare for Mermaid Pose Yoga

Follow these steps to prepare your body for the mermaid pose

  • Warm-Up
  • Stretch Key Muscles: Shoulder, Chest, Groin, Hip flexor, and Quadriceps
  • Practice the Pose
  • Post-Pose Stretch
  • Cool Down

Warm-Up Exercises for Mermaid Pose Yoga

Here are some Warm-up Exercises that can help you to perform mermaid safely

  • Neck and Shoulder Rolls
  • Cat-Cow Stretches
  • Gentle Twists
  • Hip Circles
  • Wrist and Ankle Rotations
  • Deep Breathing

How to Perform Mermaid Pose Yoga

Gif source: YouTube

Start by putting your right leg forward in Pigeon prep.

In this case, bend your back knee on the left side and grab your left foot with your left hand.

Place your left foot in the bend of your left arm. You can stop here or proceed to the next step.

Straighten out your right arm and point it up at the sky. Put your right hand behind your head and bend your arm.

Meet your hands. Put your right arm around the back of your head.

Be careful not to fall on your right hip. Face the front of your mat with your chest up.

Let go of your foot and slowly and carefully lower your leg. Then, pose again, this time with your left knee forward.

Benefits of Mermaid Pose Yoga

  • The hips, legs, groin, and shoulders stretch in this Pose.
  • It opens the heart as well.
  • stretches and stimulates the back
  • Increases pelvic area circulation
  • Mind and body are energized.


Half Mermaid Pose: Follow the same steps as before, but don’t bend the knee on the back leg. Keep it straight.

Bound Mermaid Pose: Put your hands together and reach your upper arm behind your back. This will stretch your shoulders and chest even more.

Floating Mermaid Pose: To make This Pose Harder, stand on the side of your foot and lift your bottom hip off the floor


Support your hips and keep your body aligned with yoga blocks or bolsters.

Put a blanket or cushion under your knee for extra comfort and support.

For more support and balance, work out against a wall.

Tips for Mermaid Pose Yoga

Keep the following information in mind when practicing this Pose:

The posture will be more challenging if your front knee is farther forward. You will have to bend your front knee apart. If you keep at it, you can eventually bring your shin closer to the front edge of the tangle.

Keep your front foot bowed to secure your knee.

Lift your back with the assistance of your legs. Utilizing your legs while posture will help prevent your lower back from crushing.

Amid the Posture, keep your spine always lifting and expanding.

Safety Precautions

Avoid this Pose if there is a back, hip or knee injury. Always avoid forcing yourself into this Pose, and stay hydrated before practicing it. [2]


The mermaid yoga pose stands for beauty, control, and internal adjustment. Acknowledge how adaptable it is to mend your body, intellect, and soul. Plunge profoundly into the practice to discover quality and peace inside.


Jeffries, T. Y., & Jeffries, T. Y. (2023, June 8). How to make mermaid pose a part of your world. Yoga Journal.

How to do Mermaid Pose – OmStars. (n.d.).

HealthinPedia Author

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Elyce, a Wellness Writer and Content Creator from Adelphi University, is also a Yoga and Meditation Coach, Outdoors Enthusiast, and Breast Cancer Survivor. With over 20 years of experience as an E-RYT 500, she brings a deep dedication to yoga and meditation. Elyce's wealth of knowledge and experience shines through in her role as a teacher, writer, and mentor. She is the co-founder and content creator of the Refined Flow 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program, as well as a core faculty member at Omega for 11 years. Additionally, she is a teaching staff member at the Radiance Sutras Meditation Teacher Training.

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