How to do Fallen Angel Yoga Pose Thoroughly
Have you got your Side Crow down pat? You could be prepared to rise to its heavenly variant, Fallen Angel. Fallen Angel is both beautiful and challenging, much like its namesake.
In Sanskrit Fallen Angel means Devaduuta Panna Asana. Fallen Angel Pose is a fun and hard formation from the traditional arm balance.
Level: Advanced
Target Muscle: Shoulders, Arms, Core and Back
The Fallen Angel Yoga Pose is hard because you must Balance your Arms and turn your body upside down. The head should be lightly touching the ground.
From the standard arm balancing Scissors Pose, one must slowly and delicately drop oneself into the Fallen Angel Pose, which calls for strength, mobility, and extraordinary balance and control.
But as you kick your feet into the sky and droop your head down the floor, it also calls for a lighthearted attitude.
Now Let’s explore the step-by-step instructions, variations, tips, benefits, and safety precautions.
What Does Fallen Angel Pose Mean?
With a difficult arm balance and inversion, the fallen angel position has the temple lightly resting on the floor. Lowering the side of the face to the floor and raising the legs such that both feet point skyward is how the side crow posture is entered. [1]
With over a decade of experience in practicing and teaching Fallen Angel Yoga Pose, I’ve honed a deep understanding of its profound benefits on both the mind and body.
How to Prepare for Fallen Angel Yoga Pose?
Follow these steps to prepare your body for the fallen angel pose.
- Warm-up
- Stretches Key Muscle
- Build Flexibility
- Increase Core Strength
- Use Props
- Stay Consistent
Warm-up Exercises for Fallen Angel Yoga Pose?
Here are some Warm-up Exercises to help you perform a perfectly fallen angel pose.
- Supine Twist
- Half Lord of the Fishes
- Revolved Chair
- Crow Pose
- Side Crow
How to Perform Fallen Angel Yoga Pose?
Image source: You Tube
- Your knees should be close together, and your heels should be elevated as you begin in a low squat position.
- Rotate your torso to the right and keep your abdominal muscles engaged.
- Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart alongside your right thigh.
- Bring your weight closer to your arms and bend your elbows like for Chaturanga.
- The arms should support your right thigh, and you should elevate both feet off the ground. Direct your gaze to the left.
- At this point, carefully lower yourself onto the right side of your head and continue bearing weight in your arms and shoulders.
- Raise your left leg straight toward the ceiling using your abdominal muscles and thighs. Ensure the right knee rests on your left arm while fully extending the left leg.
- Keeping your feet and core engaged throughout the exercise may help you develop a sense of strength and lifting.
- When you are ready to release, take a moment to relax in a child’s pose or a seated forward bend, and then proceed to the opposite side.
Benefits of Fallen Angel Yoga Pose
- Wrists, shoulders, core, and arms are all strengthened by this Exercise.
- Enhancing mobility in the hips and spine has the potential to alleviate back problems.
- It enhances your sense of balance and your awareness of your body.
- The inversion increases blood flow to the head, which improves mental performance and helps to relax the mind.
- Using the twist, the inside organs are massaged, which helps with digestion and detoxification.
Tips And Tricks
Warm up before you play Fallen Angel. Do a few Sun Salutations, bends, hip openers, and arm-strengthening poses like Chaturanga or Plank.
Either stretch or point your toes, but make sure they stay active. That will help you stay up in the pose.
With your hands shoulder-width apart, your upper arms should be straight before you. Your fingers should be spread out wide.
Pressing your hands firmly into the mat and pulling your abs in can help you feel more stable and balanced.
Fallen Angel Yoga Pose Variation:
For beginners, hold a Yoga block under your lifted hand to help you stay steady and comfortable while you do the Fallen Angel Yoga Pose. More advanced students can try deeper versions of the pose by lifting one leg up and out to the sky or moving into a full backbend.
Safety Precautions
Whereas Fallen Angel Pose offers various benefits, it’s fundamental to practice it to maintain a strategic distance from wounds. Tenderfoots should approach this posture and tune in to their bodies, dodging overexertion or pushing past their limits. [2]
Healthinpedia Final Words
Fallen Angel Yoga Pose offers transformative involvement for professionals of all levels, combining quality, adaptability, and mindfulness into smooth development. By understanding the subtleties of this posture and practicing it, you’ll be able to unlock its full potential to feed and elevate your whole being.
Bhattacharya, S. (2024, June 9). Fallen angel yoga pose: 5 benefits and how to do Devaduuta Panna Asana. Healthshots.
Yogapedia. (2023, December 21). Fallen Angel pose. Yogapedia.