Yoga Love: Building a Stronger Mind-Body Connection
Do you feel pressured? Overwhelmed? or out of touch? You’re not alone.
Today there are so many people who feel too much pressure and cannot be calm and concentrated to do their work.
This constant puts pressure on ourselves and on others which may cause us to have mental and physical breakdown.
What if there was a means by which these achievements were possible, a way of getting back to the real you and allow the body to rest and even heal at the same time?
Welcome Yoga Love, a practice that unify the balance of yoga with the affection of love. So let’s begin this beautiful journey and know how love yoga can make a change in your life.
What is Yoga Love?
Yoga Love is not just a sequence of postures but an attitude which teaches how to Practice yoga for loving oneself and others.
This practice invites you to take up yoga as an exercise that involves love towards the self and the same self loving others.
Whether it is through a yoga session that involves love stories like the ones in love story yoga – Valencia or NY loves yoga, Yoga Love makes it possible for people to learn, transform, and grow. [1]
Incorporate some of the classical yoga asanas with specific forms of meditation that entail love, tolerance and acceptance.
How to Prepare for Yoga Love
It is a bit embarrassing for me to share the procedures of preparing to get involved in the Yoga Love, very much, it is like getting involved in sexual intercourse preparation.
Before you will start practicing love yoga, you should introduce yourself to the concept of the Sankalpa.
Consider what you’d like to accomplish, this could be, for example, lowering your stress levels, increasing your self-esteem, or having some free time that you don’t have to spend worrying about yourself.
It is recommended that one wears loose and comfortable clothing that he or she can free move around.
That is why, besides preparing yourself, it is necessary to prepare a quiet room where there will be no disruptive factors.
A Yoga mat, a water bottle and some music that you find relaxing will also be helpful to you. If you are in love yoga Venice for instance, take a time and look for a place where you can associate yourself with nature to enhance the connection.
Warm-Up Exercises for Yoga Love
First of all, you ought to do the warm up exercises that consist of flexing of individual muscles in your body.
One only needs to rotate the neck, shrug the shoulders, and swing the arms in circles to work off some knots.
Successively, some easy exercises on breathing should be performed. Breathe In through your mouth and hold your breath for as long as possible, then, expel the air from your lungs through your mouth.
This helps in relaxing your thoughts and you prepare for the Yoga Love session that is to be conducted ahead.
How to Perform Yoga Love
When doing your Yoga Love session, it is recommended that you start with simple postures you can undertake such as the Child’s Pose or the Mountain Pose.
Relax and concentrate on your breathing; forget all that could be bothersome or otherwise distracting.
As you go along add poses which pertain to the heart chakra which includes the Cobra pose, or the camel pose for purposes of the developing feelings of love and gratitude.
If one wants to have a complete session then may try any of the guided sessions like the love story yoga available in Valencia or in search for NY loves yoga classes in order to find people.
Yoga Love Benefits
When Yoga Love is performed on a regular basis, the following changes are possible. Reduces stress, enhances flexibility and boosts up positive attitude or thinking in human beings.
It promotes acceptance of self and increases your general level of satisfaction in life. With a dosage of self-compassion and an emphasis on love, Yoga Love helps you to cultivate better rapport with oneself and people.
Yoga Love Modifications
If some poses appear difficult for you, it is okay! I couldn’t find any negatives, but the general theme of Yoga Love is about accepting where you are.
Adjust pose in relation to one’s tolerance level, because, He states there are no bad poses. For instance, you may use some props such as the yoga blocks or straps in order to help your body.
The general moves can be made longer or more intense according to a person’s flexibility. Love yourself and make the experience truly loving and that is the key point to ponder at all.
Tips And Tricks For Yoga Love
Stay Present: Suffice to say, you should find something like taking deep breaths and concentrating on the present moment.
Listen to Your Body: Never become over exerting; always listen to the signals that body is sending out.
Set an Intention: Instead, before any exercise starts with a specific goal, it could be peace, love or healing touch.
Safety Precautions For Yoga Love
Although for most people Yoga Love is suitable, it is always wise to pay attention to your body.
But never assume a position that may be considered adverse in some way or that may cause you pain or discomfort.
Before starting the program please do not hesitate to, if you still have any medical condition what soil. Stretching is one of the best ways of warming up and always ensures you drink lots of water. [2]
Yoga Love is not just a workout that can be taken as a routine, it is a process of self-realization and humanity.
Incorporating such a practice in your life can help you with improvement and create an enhanced awareness about yourself as well as other people in your lives.
While writing this article I have included almost all the points as per my experience and knowledge that can be associated with Yoga Love.
This one, you read it, and you know it. Therefore, unroll the yoga mat, breathe in, and with the help of Yoga Love be ready to become happier and healthier.
Smith, E. N. (2023, August 8). Let Love In: 6 yoga poses to open your heart. YogaUOnline.
Ezrin, S., & Ezrin, S. (2021, September 2). 5 poses to Inspire More Self-Love, Less Self Smack-Talk. Yoga Journal.