Rabbit Pose Yoga: How to Perfect This Powerful Stretch
In Sanskrit Rabbit Pose Yoga is known as shashankasana. Rabbit Pose is also called Hare Headstand or Hare Pose Yoga. It is an inversion pose for Beginners that opens the brain and makes it feel fresh.
Target Muscle: Upper back, Shoulders, and the back of the neck
Level: Beginner
Category: Forward Bend
Rabbit Pose makes the spine longer, and straightens it out. It makes the body’s balance better all around. It makes the thyroid work harder, squeezes the throat, and balances hormones by driving the endocrine system.
Rabbit Pose Yoga is a great way to balance the spine after the hardest backbend in the series. The rabbit symbolizes fertility, quickness, and insight into traditional yoga, which this position aims to improve.
While practiced for hundreds of years, Rabbit Pose has become famous for changing people’s bodies, minds, and emotions. Deepening this stance brings calm to the mind, body, and spirit.
Now let’s explore rabbit pose benefit, step-by-step instructions, Tips, Variations, and Safety Precautions.
What Does Rabbit Pose Mean?
Yoga Rabbit pose stretches the arms and back, making them more elastic and flexible. It also loosens up the neck and shoulders.
The spine curves so that the top of the head rests on the floor and the forehead touches or rests as close to the knees as possible. This position makes the arms straight by rolling the back forward and lifting the hips toward the ceiling. [1]
With a foundation in both traditional and contemporary Rabbit Pose Yoga practices, I’ve developed a unique teaching style that blends mindfulness, physical alignment, and spiritual growth.
How to Prepare for Rabbit Pose in Yoga?
Follow these steps to prepare your body for the rabbit pose:
- Warm-up
- Child’s Pose
- Shoulder Opener
- Neck Stretch
- Downward Facing Dog
Warm-Up Exercises for Rabbit Pose in Yoga?
Here are some Warm-up Exercises that can help you perform the perfect rabbit pose:
- Cat-Cow Pose
- Thread the Needle Pose
- Puppy Pose
- Shoulder Pose
- Neck Rolls
How to Perform Rabbit Pose in Yoga?
Gif Source: YouTube
- Begin in a stooping position together with your buttocks resting on your heels.
- Place your hands on your lower back together with your fingers indicating descending.
- Breathe profoundly, protract your spine, and lift your hips marginally off your heels.
- Breathe out as you twist forward, bringing your temple toward the ground.
- Reach your hands back and get a handle on your heels, keeping your elbows near together.
- Tuck your chin to your chest, adjusting your spine like a rabbit.
- Hold the posture for 5-10 breaths, breathing profoundly into the back of your body.
- To discharge, gradually lift your head and return to the beginning position.
Benefits of Rabbit Pose in Yoga
Let’s Explore the benefits of rabbit pose which can increase your interest in this pose more.
1. Makes the neck stronger.
In this pose, the spine is bent, which relaxes the muscles in the back. The spine is directly involved during the process, and rhythmic breathing helps it get longer and more robust.
2. Helps ease stress in the upper body
It’s stretched out from shoulder to back and arm to arm. The neck is also curved, which makes the spine longer from the top down as a result, doing the Yoga Pose rabbit releases any stress stuck in these areas.
3. Makes blood flow better.
The tilt in the yoga pose rabbit improves blood flow to the brain. Getting fresh air to the muscles also improves blood flow throughout the body.
4. Keeps the balance of hormones.
When you stretch your neck, it triggers your thyroid gland. It keeps hormones in order and boosts immunity by making metabolism better. The endocrine system works better when hormones are controlled.
5. Helps the body digest food better.
When you hold the rabbit pose in Yoga, you also stretch the muscles in your stomach. In addition to making the abs stronger, it tones them. In addition, it stimulates the digestive processes and makes the digestive system work better.
Rabbit Pose in Yoga Variations
Let’s explore its variations
1. Arm variation in Rabbit Pose:
Take your hands off your feet and slowly bring them forward from the rabbit pose. Keep your arms out and clasp your hands together.
2. Knee-and-head balance:
Keep the top of your head on the ground. As you lift your feet to the sky, shift your weight to your knees and head. Wrap your hands around your legs and push your heels against your hips.
3. Advanced variation:
Take your hands off your heels and straighten them behind your back so that your palms face the floor. This is the rabbit pose in Yoga. To go further, bring your shoulders to your knees. After this, the head lies in the space between the knees.
4. Simple variation:
This version can be done by beginners. Vajrayana is the first pose you should do. Breathe in, lift your arms with your palms facing up. As you let out a breath, bend forward and stretch your arms out in front of you, putting your hands and forehead on the floor.
Rabbit Pose in Yoga Modifications
1. Half Rabbit Pose:
Lower yourself halfway down, placing the crown of your head on the tangle while keeping the hips lifted. This decreases strain on the neck and offers a gentler stretch.
2. Backed Rabbit Posture:
Put a support or collapsed cover underneath the temple for a bolster, particularly in case of distress or weight on the head and neck. This alteration empowers unwinding.
3. Divider Variety:
Practice Rabbit Posture with the back against a divider for included back and soundness. Press the hips and heels into the divider while collapsing forward, guaranteeing appropriate arrangement.
4. Prop Help:
Students can utilize blocks beneath the hands to promote the floor or a strap to reach the heels if they are incapable of clasping them specifically. Props help adjust the posture to individual adaptability levels. [2]
Precautions & Contraindications
- Don’t do the rabbit pose if you hurt your neck, back, shoulder or arm
- People who have spondylitis shouldn’t do the move.
- People with high blood pressure and women who are pregnant should not do it.
- If you are depressed or have vertigo, you should not do this pose.
Healthinpedia Final Word
With its delicate yet significant nature, Rabbit Pose welcomes us into a space of reflection, yield, and reestablishment. As we conclude our investigation of this captivating yoga pose, let us consider its benefits to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Yogapedia. (2023, December 21). Rabbit pose. Yogapedia.
Yogateket. (n.d.). Sasangasana – Rabbit Pose Bikram Yoga – YOGATEKET. Yogateket.