10 Ashtanga Yoga Poses to Convert Your Practice
If you have been practicing yoga and you are finding it tough to get to the next level of practice, then read on.
This is an issue that many people who practice yoga go through to find themselves stranded on which step to take.
It is unhealthy to repeat the same exercises time and again as this will make you feel bored and also lose the morale of exercising.
But do not despair, Ashtanga Yoga Poses can help to change your practice and revive your love with Yoga.
These Ashtanga Yoga Poses will provide you with fun, intensity, and the opportunity for growth to make yourself even stronger, more agile, and productive.
Welcome back and now it’s time to explore the Ashtanga Yoga Poses further and see how they can impact any yoga practice.
What are Ashtanga Yoga Poses?
Ashtanga Yoga Poses is another form of yoga which is about performing a series of poses in a set order, and requires a lot of understanding because the sequence of the poses has to be stuck to from start to end.
Ashtanga Yoga Poses form the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga which is a sequenced and invigorating form of yoga.
This type of yoga involves the use of a series of particular poses for a certain amount of time and in harmony with breathing.
They consist of steps that are easy and those that are compounded to assist in creating strength, elasticity and mental concentration in the clients. [1]
Ashtanga Yoga Poses or series are considered helpful in toning the body and controlling the mind and most of them are from the first series.
How to Perform Ashtanga Yoga Poses
Ashtanga Yoga includes a set of movements which transition seamlessly into one another and aim at helping a person to gain physical strength, flexibility, and better mental focus.
Here’s a detailed look at 10 essential Ashtanga Yoga Poses to include in your practice:
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
They include: – Get down on your hands and knees. Then push your hips toward the floor till your body looks like a V-shape.
Stand with your hands around the shoulders’ width apart and feet roughly around your hip width apart. Bend your heels down and at the same time expand your back.
This basic posture gives a gentle stretch to all the muscles in the body, particularly the ones at the back of the legs, the back of the thighs, back of the calves and the shoulders and does wonders to the mind.
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Both exercises should start with feet a shoulder width apart. Place your right foot to the side at 90 angle and your left foot turned slightly to the centerline of the body.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and with your right hand stretch your arms parallel to your sides; you should bend at the hip and feel your right hand on your shin ankle or the floor if you wish to make it a more difficult exercise.
Your left arm is lifted and it is pointing upwards. This pose facilitates the hip region, stretches the lateral line of the body and tones the legs.
A Complete Guide About Triangle Pose Yoga
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
Coming from the standing position, shift onto the right leg and bend the left leg, but the back leg must remain straight.
Raise your both hands upward with your both palms joined together and look straight. It helps in the development of leg strength and chest and lungs flexibility besides enhancing concentration and balance.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
Starting from the Warrior 1, sway your hips and shoulders sideways and stretch your arms all the way to the side until your hands are parallel to the floor while looking over the front hand.
Helps in balance and concentration and works over the legs and the abdomen muscles.
Guide to Prevailing Yoga Poses Warrior 2
Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana):
From Warrior II, squat forward bending your front knee fully and taking your front hand to the floor just beyond your front foot.
Take your top arm and stretch it upwards as if you want to be reaching the sky with your fingertips while the other foot is anchored firmly at the back.
It tones the muscles of the legs, the lateral trunk, and increases the space of the chest cavity.
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
Stand with your back towards 2 counters and sit with your legs stretched out on the floor along the line of the counters.
Stand tall and take a deep breath in, engage the core and slowly increase the space between the vertebrae and on the exalt breathe out and bend forward to try to touch the feet or shin.
This pose stretches the hamstrings, spine, and shoulders and the mediation aspect of the position helps to decrease stress.
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Imagine you are sitting with your legs stiff forward; next pull your right leg up and have the sole of your right foot resting on your left thigh.
Rotate your trunk to the right with your left hand placing your left elbow over your right knee. It increases the flexibility of the spinal part, aids digestion and helps the body in getting rid of toxins.
Fish Pose Yoga: Instruction, Benefits and Modification
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Lay flat on your back with your knees pulled up towards your chest and they should be placed slightly above shoulder width apart.
Nail your feet into the parallel bars thus changing your position to make your hips go up towards the ceiling while your arms remain by your side.
This posture tones the entire back, gluteal and thigh muscles and at the same time frees the chest and shoulder areas.
Plow Pose (Halasana)
Lay on your back and then bend your knees bringing your feet towards your head and touch the floor with your toes.
Place your hands on the lower back in this case or spread your fingers out on the floor. This pose helps to stretch the spine, shoulders and neck besides having an effect of relaxing the nervous system and thus removing stress.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Kneel on both your hands and your knees and slide your legs backwards as you stretch your arms in front of you touching the floor.
Lie down flat on the floor and specifically put your forehead on the mat while ensuring all the muscles in your body are at rest.
This pose is useful in letting go of the tension, minimising contraction in the lower back area and allowing for relaxation and awareness.
Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga Poses
The poses in ashtanga yoga facilitate the offering of several points of gain such as the strength, flexibility, and endurance points.
They also improve concentration, alleviate stress and bring about the feeling of inner harmony.
These poses can be incorporated into the Yoga practice thus improving the health of an individual’s body and calming their mind.
Ashtanga Yoga Poses Modifications
There are a lot of adjustments necessary in order to make poses in ashtanga yoga for All possible.
For instance, if the particular positions are too narrow, you can employ some items such as blocks or straps in order to help you perform the stretch.
Make sure not overexert yourself depending on your level of training as a newcomer to exercising.
Tips and Tricks for Ashtanga Yoga Poses
Focus on your breath: Co-ordinate your movements with your breathing so as to more or less create a beat to march to.
Consistency is key: It is important that you practice frequently to compare results in different levels of success.
Stay patient: As we advance in the Ashtanga Yoga Poses, we need to know that it will take sometime and there is no harm in being a little slow with ourselves.
Safety Precautions for Ashtanga Yoga Poses
It is recommended to warm up before practicing Ashtanga Yoga Poses so as to avoid experiencing any inconveniences.
If you have any health problem or an injury, ask for permission with a general practitioner or a yoga teacher, first.
Do not try to put your body into a certain position and certainly do not strain it, always glide into a position and listen to your body. [2]
To the best of my knowledge and experience, I shared almost all the points in this article that are associated with Ashtanga Yoga Poses.
It is necessary to read it and bring it to one’s memory. Below are 10 Ashtanga Yoga Poses that you can incorporate into your workout or yoga classes, thus changing your yoga experience, making it stronger, flexible, and much more mindful.
So no more comparisons with the yogis performing impressive postures, it’s all about the process and improvements at one’s own convenience. Accept these poses and let them bring you toward a better yoga practice.
Mackenzie, A. (2021, May 25). Ashtanga Yoga poses: A beginner’s guide to the primary series – YOGA PRACTICE. YOGA PRACTICE.
Girard, A. S. (2024, January 28). Ashtanga yoga asanas names & meanings. Yogasana poses of first series. Ayurvedic Yoga Massage ARYM Institute.